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a destiny of her own
红颜何罪 红颜祸水 绝代宠妓 危险的美丽  detail>>
a mind of her own
自强不息  detail>>
her own affair
她自己的事情  detail>>
no man of her own
得不到的男人  detail>>
sailing on her own bottom
私营商船  detail>>
stand on their own feet
自食其力  detail>>
a piece of music of her own composition
构成  detail>>
fainted at the sight of her own blood
她一看到自己的血就晕过去了she  detail>>
she knows her own mind
她这个人很有主见  detail>>
she moves in her own way
活出自我  detail>>
to stand in her spotlight again
呼唤我再度站在她的聚光灯下 她再次站在聚光灯  detail>>
both sides stuck to their own stand
双方争持不下  detail>>
learn to stand on your own feet
学会自立  detail>>
cause she sees her own reflection
因为她看的 是镜子上自己的反影  detail>>
i regarded her as my own sister
我把她看做自己的妹妹  detail>>
she has a style of her own in everything
她在各方面都有自己的独特风格  detail>>
she has no definite view of her own
她没有主心骨  detail>>